Talking to the industry
As we all know industry changes rapidly and our knowledge and understanding must keep up with these ever expanding situations. That is why Osiris Consultants Ltd has been asked to give talks, training and presentations on different subjects.
we currently providing presentations, talks and training.
We strive to provide participants with a clear and easy to comprehend understanding of our specialised subjects. Osiris has an in depth knowledge and understanding in the Commercial Maritime sector. We believe learning from a manual may not suit everybody’s learning style and thus we provide a lectures, and invite participants to get involved which can help cement their understanding.
We aim to provide a thought provoking experience, leaving participants asking “what can be done better”
Introduction Into Shipping
This is a basic introduction to bulk shipping and ship operations. It will discuss the concepts of chartering from the point of view of a ship owner and charterer. It will address terminology and explains the key things people need to know. It can be amended to include more complex issues, such as inert gas, cleaning, dry cargo gear. It uses worked examples and photographs to explain the concepts.
Pirates, Spooks and Mercenaries
Designed to be interactive, with questions and involvement from the audience, this talk can can take the discussion in different directions. We will look at the different and changing attitudes of maritime piracy world wide. It discusses the actions that can be taken both by the vessel and the shore to keep the vessel safe. It is backed by several years of personal experience fighting piracy and using high technology to protect vessels.
New to commercial shipping?
Want to know more or to book a webinar?
Please contact us for availability.